The Formation of Emerging Tech Start-up Cluster. Study Case of Slipicon Valley, Jakarta, Indonesia

Following up my last post, in this post i will put the abridged version of my master dissertation. At first, i hesitated to put this in blog because after reading it again after submission, i realized it was total shit. However, several days ago i received my final grade from the university and it way over what i expected. I got near perfect grade for my dissertation hence i was officially graduated Master of Science with distinction.

Msc Dissertation

Due to those result, i decided to post the dissertation on my blog. I hope that it can be useful somehow especially for someone who wants to pick Indonesia / Jakarta / Slipi start up ecosystem as a research topic. 

The whole document 21 thousand word long which i think is too overwhelming if i copy paste everything here. Hence i will post only certain chapters such as research background, context introduction, analysis, conclusion and limitation in order to be more digestable.

If youre interested in the full document, you can download it here.

If you just want to read the broad overview of my research and dont want to be bothered by this 6000 word post, check out this slide

As an acknowledgement, this dissertation was written by me, Kiki Ahmadi , and supervised by Dr Elvira Uyarra. This dissertation was submitted to The University of Manchester for completion of  MSc degree in the Faculty of Humanities in September 2017. 

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